August Promotion - ME CLINIC SEOUL
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writer ME CLINIC SEOUL | ip | view 975 | comment 0 | 31-07-2024 23:01 (DD/MM/YY)the body of a posts
Skin care
1. Boost up your Immune and skin whitening!
- Glutathione injection, Vitamin B and Cinderella injection
- 140,000 KRW (Regular cost 180,000 KRW)
2. Skin moisturizing care
- 15% OFF
- Aqua peel, water shine injection, Cryo care
- 480,000 KRW (Regular cost 570,000 KRW)
3. Oneday Pore tightening package
- Oneday pore package & filler subcision
- Get 10% off after adding filler subcision
Non surgical procedure
1.Botox & filler package
- Gummy smile botox botox and lip filler 1 cc
- Get 10% off for filler subcision
2 Skin booster package
- 10% OFF
- Rejuran 2 cc, Ultracol 2 cc & Dermal shine injection
- 830,000 KRW (Regular cost 930,000 KRW)
3. Anti-Wrinkle package
- 10% OFF
- Forehead filler 2 cc by Restylane, forehead, frown allergan botox
- 1,060,000 KRW (Regular cost 1,190,000 KRW)
Laser hair removal
- 15% off for full legs & Arms, hands, foot and under arm-s
- Assigning of female doctor is not possible
- 10% off for back neck region and shoulder line
- Additional charge of 40,000 KRW for shaving
#silhouetesoft #Ultherapy #seoulskinclinic #trusculpt #meclinicseoul #skinclinickorea #meclinic #skinwhitening #skinclinicseoul #rejuran #acnescar #facelifting #liposuction #skinclinic #rejuranhealer #ultherapy
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