April Promotion - ME CLINIC SEOUL
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writer ME CLINIC SEOUL | ip | view 1,062 | comment 0 | 28-03-2024 14:00 (DD/MM/YY)the body of a posts
Skin care
1. Whitening & Vitamin C Packages
- 20% OFF
- 768,000 KRW
- 10 sessions of glutathione injection and Vitamin c
- The session will be performing by bolus injection
2. Soft & Smooth skin texture package
- 250,000 KRW (Regular cost 310,000 KRW)
- Nose black heads suction + premium aqua peel + acne extraction
- Only for weekdays
3. Pore cleaning & tightening package
- 15% OFF
- Choose aqau peel or affinite for pore cleaning
- Choose fraxel xena or intracel for pore tightening
- We will be going to recommend the treatment for cleaning and tightening after a direct consultation.
Non surgical procedure
1. Frown 1 cc Restylane filler & Frown allergan botox
- 570,000 KRW (Regular cost 630,000 KRW)
- 10% OFF
2. Simple skin tightening package
- 980,000 KRW (Regular cost 1,150,000 KRW)
- 15% OFF
- Watershine 2cc, Rejuran 2 cc and 50 V-LIFTING
3. Hiko nose lifting
- 1,120,000 KRW (Regular cost 1,400,000 KRW)
- 2O % OFF
- Whole nose hiko, nose filler by juvederm volume, nose alar allergan botox
Laser hair removal
10% off for 5 sessions of armpit & Lowe legs
10% off for 5 sessions of Back region( Upper back region), Shoulder region
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