Skin booster Rejuran - ME CLINIC SEOUL
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writer ME CLINIC SEOUL | ip | view 1,018 | comment 0 | 13-12-2023 17:08 (DD/MM/YY)the body of a posts
"Get moisturized smooth skin by Rejuran healer"
- 520,000 KRW for 2cc
- Genuine injector - the Rejumate is used to maximize the result of Rejuran healer.
- Performed by ME CLINIC SEOUL Representative Doctor
- Simple and easy to make a reservation.
- Experienced & English friendly staff and doctors.
Please visit the following page for further information about the above procedure.
** Please note that the result can be varied regarding the skin condition of each patient. You must discuss with the medical doctor for more details before proceeding with your procedures. **
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