July Promotion- ME CLINIC SEOUL
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writer ME CLINIC SEOUL | ip | view 2,232 | comment 0 | 30-06-2020 19:42 (DD/MM/YY)the body of a posts
July Promotion- ME CLINIC SEOUL
* Plastic surgery *
30% OFF for all plastic surgeries
* Petit and non-surgical procedure *
Oneday lifting procedure = 1,400,000 KRW
: Ultherapy 400 shots + Blue rose 2 thread
Full body liftting package = 1,700,000 KRW
: Body ultherapy 500 shots + Fat-dissolving injection
Trusted result for face lifting = 2,000,000 KRW
: Blue rose 8 threads + Silhouette hard 2 threads
Cut-line injection
: 10 OFF for 2 regions / 15 OFF for 3 regions
* Skin care *
Brightening and vitamin care = 108,000 KRW
: Glutathione bolus injection + Vitamin care
One-day pore tightening care = 730,000 KRW
: Pore tightening treatment + skin regeneration
* Laser hair removal *
Neck laser hair removal 5 sessions = 179,000 KRW for Female
20 OFF for Chest + abdomen + backline + Waistline for Male
☎ Please visit the link for more information https://www.meclinic.net/bbs/board.php?bo_table=blog&wr_id=181
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